Information is very important to Families who have son or daughter with a disability. From assessment to diagnosis, government support to treatment, we do search, gather and select information that is needed. Families with disabled son or daughter, however, are too busy to search or get necessary information in taking care of their child with a disability and thus miss a timing to get a government support or right treatment. In particular, those who speak English as a second language have more difficulty in getting the information. That is why it is a great help to those families if the information is gathered, selected and summarized in the language they primarily use. Here and Now informs and educates families about issues that could assist them. This includes:

Here and Now provides brief answers to most frequently asked questions by subject and continues to update with additional topics mostly in Korean

  • Workshops

As described in Future Planning, ‘A Good Life’ workshop is offered for 5 weeks with 2 hours each week and ‘Walking Together’ for 6 weeks with 2 hours each week.

  • Seminars

Almost every month a seminar is held with various topics: Wills and Trust, RDSP, Advocacy, Navigator Service, Government Supports, Housing Options, Decision Making, Individualized Funding, Microboard, Employment, WorkBC Support, Fuel Tax Refund, Endowment150, Disability Tax Credit, Positive Behaviour Support, Neuro Movement, etc.

  • Referrals

We provide families when they ask with referrals in the following areas: Lawyers, Trust Companies, Financial Planners, Estate Planners; Psychologists, Psychiatrists; Behavior Consultants, Behavior Interventionists, Speech Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists; Home sharing, Respite.